Kelly Anne Maurer NP-C
Psychiatric Family Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Ms. Maurer is Double Board Certified in Psychiatric Mental Health as well as Family Medicine & Specializes in Addiction Medicine.
She is the only person communicating with her patients/clients, this defines her exclusive services and highly personalized care.
Kelly understands the importance of using evidence-based treatments. She utilizes longer appointment times to ensure all aspects of the client are addressed for the best outcome & her clients have access to her VIA the EMR system text/email messge
Ms. Maurer is uniquely able to evaluate
the individual Medically as well as for Psychiatric illness, while evaluating addictions if necessary. Diagnosing, and utilizing psychotropic medication, &/or holistic therapies where deemed necessary; she also incorporates psychotherapy (talk therapy) all in one visit.
She possesses over 30 years of medical experience to include Psychiatric Mental Health, Family Practice & Addiction Medicine.
She has a special heart for those with psychiatric illness & addiction, having gone through her own personal family history.
She also incorporates functional medicine in order to rule out medical causes for the presenting symptoms, (ordering labs, for example thyroid & full panels if indicated) while incorporating evidence based research in her treatment plan. Getting to the root of the issues is the goal.
We also offer Pharmacogenomic testing which is the study of how genes affect the body's response to certain medicines. This can help in the correct choice of psychotropic medication for the individual.
She believes in order for an individual to have long term recovery, one must peel away the layers to get to the root of the problem. Many times there is trauma buried deep and if not treated will surface later in life.
She completed her Graduate Degree @ Arizona State University in 2006, and her Psychiatric Mental Health post masters @ Rocky Mountain University.
She holds her certification in Suboxone/Buprenorphine (Medication Assisted Treatment) therapy for OUD, and was named State Chair of AZ for Addiction Policy forum in 2018.